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If you would like to find out more about Theology Matters or enquire about having a member of the team come to speak at your church or event, please drop Andrew Larkin an email below or complete the form on the speaking page.
Andrew is married to Fatima and Dad to Carolina. He grew up in Woking before moving to study Theology at Exeter University where he got both an MA and BA (Hons).
Andrew moved to Plymouth in 2010 to join Redeemer Church, Plymouth and is one of the Pastors at Redeemer Church, Plymouth. Andrew used to work for UCCF: The Christian Unions as a Christian Union Staff Worker and then returned for a year as Team Leader for the South-West region.
Andrew preaches regularly at Redeemer, Plymouth, as well as in other contexts particularly with Christian Unions, given his background. At Redeemer, he helps run and teach on the “Theology Matters” course and has taught on a wide variety of topics including doctrine, church history, apologetics and more.
Andrew is a big Liverpool FC fan; loves classic rock music and enjoys/endures going to the gym and running.
Andrew is married to Laura and they have two boys. He read Biological Sciences at Oxford and also has a Masters in Applied Theology from Bristol. His professional background is in teaching, having been a secondary school for fourteen years. He initially trained as a Science teacher, before specialising in Religious Studies and Religious Philosophy.
Andrew’s particular interest is in the intersection between Science, Philosophy and Theology. He has preached and taught in a variety of settings, including local churches and national conferences. For several years he was a member of the steering committee for Truro Theological Society.
Mick did his theological training at Spurgeon’s College in London, after doing a degree in Urban and Regional Planning at what is now Coventry University. He has also done post-graduate studies at Westminster Theological Seminary and Kings College London.
Mick has been on the leadership teams of a number of churches and involved in Newfrontiers leadership training since the 1990’s. His final full-time role was as Director of Training for the Commission sphere of churches. He is now part-time Teaching Pastor at Grace Church Exeter and continues to be involved in training and mentoring leaders.
Jordan is married to Natasha, and is father to Isaac. He works as a Contracts Manager for Adult Social Care in Torbay, having studied Electrical Engineering at Newcastle University and Systems Engineering at University College London. He is currently studying for a Masters in Christian Apologetics with Biblical and Theological Studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Jordan has been generating blogs on his website and, podcasts and Christian content on YouTube for a long while, and discusses living life as a Christian in today’s secular age, engaging with various current events, and looking at them through a Christian worldview. His website is morelikechrist.co.uk.
Dan is the Associate Pastor at Grace Church Exeter where he preaches regularly. He studied History at the University of Exeter at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and was awarded a PhD in History in 2014. Dan spent 10 years working as a Company Secretary for a broad range of companies listed on the London Stock Exchange before going into part-time and then full-time ministry at Grace Church. Dan's love of theology began when he became the happy recipient of a free copy of Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology from his dad and then shortly after happened to buy J. I. Packer's Knowing God purely because he liked the picture on the front cover.
Dan is married to Katy and has three children.